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Saturday, November 03, 2007

Randomosity of Life

Ok, so, I'm in this one blog post a day for a month thing and goshdangit if I don't start procrastinating... Starting at 11:30ish... Alright, we'll see how it goes.

Turns out the guys at my work are participating in the Novel-in-a-Month thing (NaNoWriMo for the uninitiated) that inspired this activity, which I thought was kind of cool, and unrelated, since I got my inspiration from RachelSkirts. (You go girl!)

Today was a good day at work, life went smoothly, and there were many (paying) customers.

In other news, I have an online presentation due in Computer Information Systems on Monday that I need to pick the topic for... It has to be a new technology or an innovative use of existing technology that will help change business or improve it somehow. There are already a bunch of topics chosen, so if you tech-savvy ones out there could lend me a hand and toss out some ideas, I wouldn't mind it one bit.

Heehee... I've had a good hearty chuckle in my time, but this one strikes home pretty well. :-)
If you want to see why the LeTourneau Campus makes fun of the LETU Security, this is a prime example: http://letu.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2008894&id=159101477

Ok, so there you have it, a fairly random selection of highlights from my day. Oh, one last thing... My car won't start. Again. It's got enough to turn on the headlights, radio, dome light, etc, but not enough for the starter to turn the engine. All it does is click repeatedly when I turn the key. :-/ So it's still at work, I got my Cousin/Manager to drive me home. Please pray for the car, that it would be repaired easily (such as replacing the battery) and/or inexpensively.

Gilligan, signing off
(perhaps I should use better links, or fewer... they seem to be getting simply gratuitous.)


Schmitty said...

I think your car juice went to the same place as your battery charger. ;-)

Gilligan said...

Actually, I think my cell charger is at work, and, since I left my car there as well, you just might be more right than you think! ;-)