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Sunday, November 04, 2007

Greetings once again!

Ok, hey there. Here I am... 11 o'clock again... At least this time I was working on homework. And talking to friends. And watching Dane Cook videos. And Diggnation episodes... Ok, so homework was a tertiary activity... but I'm working on it!

I don't have any major projects, except for one presentation... online... for Computer Information Systems... Luckily it's just a powerpoint due before the beginning of class, and it's at 12:30pm. So, I've got at least 4 hours to work on this thing.

And less than 15 minutes to finish this one. Drat. Got distracted by my girlfriend. Oh well. Not complaining. :-)

Well, looks like today is especially boring. Kind of like this morning's church service. (Sorry Pastor Don, but your voice is so soothing... I nodded off a few times, luckily my mom was there to tug on my hair to keep me mostly awake.)

And that's me. On Sunday. Have a good week!


Schmitty said...

*distraction distraction!* :-D "Tertiary" = very excellent word. You are so smexy. *muah* Find your phone charger plz, I miss your smexy voice. kthxbai.

Anonymous said...

Schmitty, you are too cute. Gilligan, props on the whole NaBloPoMo thing! I'm glad to see you're finding time to write betwixt class and homework and your lovely girlfriend. I would've fallen asleep in church, too, but I've started bringing scratch paper with me. Doodling helps keep me awake! Plus, I have a sweet notebook full of stupid drawings which will be worth millions on eBay one day!