I Use Firefox!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Darn blisters...

Well, it's a known fact: Blisters are annoying. I wish I had a pic, but my camera has gone into hiding, probably anticipating my very thought of taking a picture of the thing on my hand. It actually isn't horrible, it's just a little sore, and should be gone in a month and a half.

Meanwhile, I shall listen to music and ignore the homework I should be doing. No, wait. I guess I'll do some while I wait for my girlfriend to get online.

I do way too much planning. I love it. I'm already thinking about when Laura will come out next August, and I've only just figured out the plane tickets for New Years when I go out to California and meet Laura's family. :-)

It's getting colder outside... currently 35 degrees Fahrenheit... dang. Could be seeing snow in a couple weeks. Oh boy...

Well there you have it, several random thoughts for the day. Wish I had more, but it's late. Maybe I'll blog twice tomorrow, once after church and once at night. Perhaps...

Anywho, Gilligan signing off.

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