I Use Firefox!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Elevation and Expectations

Ok, so I just found out that my city's elevation is 33 feet above sea level... 33 FEET! Whereas my girlfriend's parents' town is more than 3000 feet above sea level... And I'm going up there for New Years... Dang... it's gonna be cold, and I won't be able to breath. Sounds like an awesome plan. :-p

Oh, and my girlfriend is turning into much more of a planner than she used to be... it's fun watching (or rather, listening to) her go at the calendar and scribble scribble scribble... :-)

Which I should be doing much more of... homework and all that. Meh. Tomorrow is another day, and aside from hanging out with friends for a while for lunch, I think I'll try to get something accomplished.


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