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Monday, November 05, 2007

Ha! 11 o'clock!

Welcome once again to my humble ablogode... great, I'm making up works now. Did that even make sense?

So, here I am once again, starting my blog entry late at night... though not as late this time. 10:15. Let's see how far I can get.

Anyways, back to the glorious wonderful tale of one lone college student's journey through the day. It started just like any other normal college student's day, sharply at 6:30, no, 6:45, no... just a few minutes longer... 7:10. CRAP! A quick shower and shoving of books into a tattered backpack and I was off. Made it to class on time. No thanks to the commute and parking, though I got a fairly close spot today. Note to self: Small campus is a blessing. Being able to WALK to class and be there within 10 minutes is AWESOME. Having to drive 40 minutes, on a 20 minute commute, because of rush hour, and walk another 7-10 is not. (Let me know if those commas are confusing.)

So, I'm in class on time, the prof is 5 minutes late as usual. As he sets up his folder of notes, he "reminds" us that there will be a quiz on Wednesday. On the notes from last week, and the book we're supposed to be finishing shortly. One thing he must surely have forgotten was that I got up too late to get to class on Wednesday AND Friday of last week. 8 AM class... Sorry. :-/ Oh, and that book we're supposed to have read? I haven't even cracked the cover. I need to find it before tomorrow... and I've got a blood donation appointment, a dermatology appointment, and a meeting with my Uncle tomorrow. Lots of time for reading... Yeah right.

So, tomorrow's shot. Oh, and I need to drop off some papers at work tomorrow before 11 as well. Double shot. And not the espresso kind either. I highly dislike coffee. Unless it's merely a flavoring. Moving on.

Hmm... so, after class, I asked the dedicated note-taker for the notes from the classes I missed, so I'll get those before class on Wednesday. Which means I'll have to leave half an hour earlier than usual, which means 6:30. Which means actually getting up at 6, showering, dressing, and getting out the door at 6:30. Quite a feat. I'll have to go to bed at 10. Eeesh... Sleep at 10. Means I probably won't get to talk to my girlfriend that night. Poo. AND I still haven't found my cell phone charger.

Yeah, I lost my cell phone charger, and my phone is dead. Has been since Saturday. Not fun. Need to get another possibly without spending a fortune... and I'm eligible for an upgrade next month (I DEFINITELY want one). Figures.

Well, looks like I got a good two paragraphs in, so I think I'll stop for now. The rest of my day was kind of bland, and it'd take way too long to describe it all. Have a good night people!

-Gilligan, Gorilla of the night.


Anonymous said...

Blogger just ate my comment. Basically, I offered you my cell phone, since it's just being a distraction to me during NaBloPoMo anyway. It's pink, and it gets called every night by one guy or another, but you can just ignore them until they get the hint. In return, you can keep blogging on a regular basis. Deal? Deal.

Gilligan said...

Ah, well, thank you very much. Think I could compile a list of guys names from the numbers that call your phone? Or is is a small, constant set of guys? Perhaps I should join that list myself. Once I get my own cell phone up and running again. ;-) Note to self: When I get a new cell phone, the first thing I'm buying is a car charger.

As far as blogging on a regular basis goes, I think I just might continue, with or without the cell phone. Maybe not every day, but more often than once a week. Problem is, good blogs have themes, and I, well I just have my life. ;-) I try to be witty; you seem to have a knack for it. Thanks for the inspiration!