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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Spurgeon on love

1 John 4:19: We love because He first loved us.
With this statement, I could not agree more. How foolish do we think ourselves when we pride ourselves on our love. We rarely realize that true love springs not from our hearts, but from that of the One who made us. We would not be able to love Him, had He not loved us first. Now, we can love others, as we love ourselves, but this is only love that is a reflection of our own self-love. Loving God requires His nurturing the seed He plants in us, and we can either shade ourselves from his warm sunlight or embrace it and seek Him out, thus perpetuating the cycle of love. Here's what Spurgeon has to say on it.
There is no light in the planet but that which proceedeth from the sun; and there is no true love to Jesus in the heart but that which cometh from the Lord Jesus himself. From this overflowing fountain of the infinite love of God, all our love to God must spring.
How great the wonder that such as we should ever have been brought to love Jesus at all! How marvellous that when we had rebelled against him, he should, by a display of such amazing love, seek to draw us back.
Love is an exotic; it is not a plant which will flourish naturally in human soil, it must be watered from above. Love to Jesus is a flower of a delicate nature, and if it received no nourishment but that which could be drawn from the rock of our hearts it would soon wither.

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