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Friday, February 22, 2008

Speaking of planes...

My girlfriend and best guy friend will both be flying here in a month, and I'm gonna ask off work... the thing is I probably won't get off both Friday and Saturday, so I'll probably just ask off for the mornings of those days. Or maybe the morning of one and the night of the other (date night). That will be decided come March 1.

Thing is, the only time she can come up is a weekend (Thu-Sun), which is when I work (Thu-Sat), so we won't be able to spend most of the day together. What are she, and best friend, supposed to do for 8 hours in a city they don't know with a family they don't know... I guess they could just chill at my house, but that's boring. Maybe we'll have snow and they can build a snowman or something. Anywho, I'm gonna take her out on a date Friday or Saturday night, but that can be decided a little later.

I really really miss her, and I can't wait to see her, smell her hair, touch her face, hear her voice, and taste her lips. Sorry if I wax a bit poetic, something about absence and fondness of the heart.


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