I Use Firefox!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Geocities refresh part 3: Email joys

I was obviously very enthused waaay back in November 2004, when Hotmail increased their storage capacity from a meager 10mb (or was it 25?) to a whopping 250mb.

Hotmail's massive storage boost.

Yes, that's megabytes. I could never imagine I'd need more, though I think I was beginning to max out my account (at 80% or so) before they bumped it. Later of course I found out about Gmail, which at the time offered an entire Gigabyte, and it's kept growing ever since. (Now at 6.25 GB and counting...) Amazing. Back then, I was only using 857KB... Now, even though I'm using up 926MB, I'll still definitely never use it all...

Coming up next, a bit of vanity.



Schmitty said...

I'm still only using 50MB on my hotmail account.
But never say you'll never be able to use it all, or someday you will find yourself scrounging for more space (like me and my at-the-time ridiculously large 40 GB hard drive...). ;-P


Gilligan said...

Heh, perhaps. In 10 years, when I've archived bajillions of emails... :-P

As far as hard drive space, well that I will always need more of. I'm already slightly cramped and needing much cleaning on my 100 GB hard drive, which was also insanely large when I got it three years ago, almost four now.