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Sunday, July 22, 2007

Phew! That was a rush.

Otakon's over, and I definitely got beat this weekend... I mean, tired. I'm actually not much more tired than any other weekend, but my feet are sore, and tending the store is gonna feel soooo slow now that I've experienced Otakon. :-D

So, basically, I've been busy all weekend, but I was working, and I got monies to prove it. (Yay overtime!) Otakon was crazy, it's the biggest Anime Con on the East coast, and now I want to go to the one in Austin, but it's in February, school time for me, and I might be able to swing it if I save up a bunch of money for it for the 2009 Con. Hmm... Oh well. That's the future, the present is now. I gotta get back in touch with God, though I found a bunch of great applicable verses while I was reading one day on the way to the Con. (I wasn't driving, don't worry.)

They definitely had some cool stuff, and each day was busier than the next. I was able to walk around a little bit Friday and Saturday to see the rest of the Dealer's room as well as the Art and Gaming rooms. Dave and I also watched the first four episodes of an anime called Karin which is about a family of vampires whose middle child is unlike the rest. Well, I won't spoil it for you, I'll let Wikipedia do it for you, if you like. It's intersting so far, though I'm not so sure about the intro... Anyways,now I'm back into watching Bleach (on episode 7 now, SOOO far behind!) at night after work. We(Dave and I) figure if we watch 2 a night, 5 nights a week, we'll get through it in about 3 months. Yes, there are that many. (134 episodes out, and they are still making more!) Well, I might just have to watch a few at home in order to catch up quicker. ;-)

Oh! Cool stuff, yes. Awesome costumes, some were "Eh...," some were "Oh cool," and some were "WHAT ARE YOU THINKING???" Man, I wish I could have taken pictures of some of the things there, but they might be considered NSFW... I don't know, there are some weird people out there. Oh man, some place was selling funky colored contacts... too bad I need prescription lenses.

Right, so, that was a lot, and I'm sure there's a lot more coming, so I'll keep it coming here. Keep coming back and you'll find out what's coming around the bend! :-D Until then, it's a tired, worn out, well paid Gilligan pulling out!


Schmitty said...

Bwahahaha! The first comment is mine!!
I must say: when watching Bleach, it is entirely possible to watch four and not even notice the passage of time. They are only about 20 minutes each. I sooooooo need to catch up.. now that I has some free times...
I think.. I might know.. *someone*.. who might be excited if you went to Austin. Who is in a place not so far away from Austin. :-)
But, yay for my dealer, and yay for overtime, and yay most of all for getting back in touch with God.

Anonymous said...

*graciously bows out of the way to acknowledge Schmitty's every right to comment first, last, or whatever*

Also, I'm glad you had such a blasty-blast at the anime conference thing. I just got back from a family reunion and am spending a few days at a blogging conference, so I hear ya on the "ZOMG! Sore! Exhausted! Dying?" thing. Who knew fun was so tiresome?!

Anywho, glad to hear such good news about you, your continuing desire to walk the straight and narrow, and your seemingly increasing wisdom about how to manage finances as you plan out your future. Hopefully, I'll get a chance to actually talk to you one of these days when my head stops spinning out of control. :)

P.S. Sorry for any errors in this comment. :( I can barely sit up straight, and all hope of writing a coherent sentence disappeared somewhere around five o'clock this morning.