I Use Firefox!

Monday, August 06, 2007

Technology Abstinence?

So, the question has been posed to me.
"Could you spend a month without getting on your computer?"
I haven't updated my blog in several weeks, have I? Isn't that good enough? That's like asking whether I could spend a month without talking to my girlfriend! (Oh shoot... bad example.) It's definitely possible, but certainly difficult. However, both are most likely beneficial.

Now, the question Dad is really asking is if I could spend my time more wisely. You know, I think I could. I want to be wise, but I don't want to work. I would love to be prepared for life without, you know... the preparation. :-/ Not so possible. So instead, I've got to get ready for life. Part of that involves reading books and taking notes and applying them to my life. *sigh* yay, more work. ;-)

It's not so bad, really. It just means I need to structure my life a lot more, and control what I do on the computer. So, I think that I might want to spend one month... er... maybe just two weeks, going through everything on my computer and deleting stuff I don't need. Then, once everything is nice and cleaned up, I'll limit my computer time to an hour of non-productive stuff, excluding direct communication. Other than that, the only time I'll use will be for educational purposes only. Hopefully I'll limit that to less than three hours, starting with one hour a day for a week, then two hours the second week, then three hours a day for the third and fouth. Hmm... can I do this? I don't know.
Ok, so if I'm limiting my computer time to 4 hours a day, what am I gonna do the rest of the time? Well, in about three weeks I'll be going to school, so that will take up another 4 3/4 hours a day. (33.5 hours/wk with classes and homework, IF I spend twice as much time doing homework as I am in class.)

So we've got 8.6 hours so far, then there's 8 hours sleeping, so 16.6 hours, and also an hour and a half for eating (20-30 minutes a meal roughly). That brings us up to 18 hours a day. Now, I think I'll be spending another hour or two a day talking to my girlfriend, so now we're up to 19-20 hours. What am I gonna do with the other 4 hours of my day?

Bum around of course! :-P Just kidding... I know I'll need to spend time with my Creator for at least an hour every day, it'd be great if it were half an hour in the morning and half an hour at night. So now we're up to 20-21 hours. The rest of the time is free time... wow, three hours a day. And then there's work. Great. Hadn't figured that in. That's 25-26 hours a week. Hmm... gotta recalculate everything now.

[one hour later]

Holy Goodness! Thanks OpenOffice Calc.
Wow... I am not gonna have much free time this school year. Ugh. Of course, I'm being a bit generous with my sleeping hours, but honestly... wow. Ok, time to get cracking! :-) Plus, I need a loan for school, and that's not looking too great either. *sigh* What am I gonna do? God, I need some help again. I'll talk to you in the morning, I promise. And I'll be posting some great verses I've found while reading through Paul's letters. I'm in the middle of Hebrews right now, and boy is God great.


Schmitty said...

:-( A month? Yeah, we could... I guess... beneficial? You really think so? :-( Okay..
You know what? YOU'RE A BEAVER. All over. Essence thereof. Even when you're trying to stop sitting around, you have to plan out how. You're adding up hours, for crying out loud. You're amazing. X-D I just figure out what I have to get done. When what needs done is done, then I fill in the cracks. And I usually don't get everything done, but manage to squeeze free time in too, and it all works out but I don't worry about it too much. But then, we see how productive I am. :-/
Good plan so far. Just implement. You'll do alright.

Gilligan said...

Ah well, I don't rightly know. Computer? Perhaps. You? No idea. Just thinking about it makes me cringe, and I have a hard time thinking of benefits.
Yes, I'm a total beaver... You want me to send you the spreadsheet I worked out? :-P
I'm always coming up with good plans, it's the implementation that kills it. Not so good at that. Which animal is better at getting things done?

Schmitty said...

The doer is the lion. Or the otter. But the otter doesn't care how it gets done (that's me). Lion gets it done, their way, and makes sure anyone else participating gets their part done too (as well as assigning tasks, managing, generally doing whatever it takes). They can be great encouragers and motivators, but they can also be INCREDIBLY annoying and bossy. Depends on the person.
"I'm always coming up with good plans, it's the implementation that kills it." - textbook Beaver. Can we put your picture in the dictionary next to it? ;-) :-*