I Use Firefox!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Changed the look... again!

Apologies for the rapid change, but I'm still exploring formats. This is the NewZen look I mentioned in my previous post. I think I like it, how about you? Leave a comment noting which on eyou like better, and what could be done to improve it. (There's still a bunch more tweaking I know, and possibly some null text to replace still, lemme know if you find any.) Oh, and how are those links looking Rachelskirts? ;-) Better, yes?


Anonymous said...

Much better! I think I prefer this clean look to the somewhat-frilly design you had before this one. Everything is easier to read and locate. I hope that once you land on a design you'll be inspired to post more often. :)

Schmitty said...

It's better because it has a picture of you on it.
Announcement to the world in general, and any crazy-pretty girls who be commentin': HE'S MINE.
Yeah, I'm possessive. So what. I never comment because no one else ever comments, but, now that is not the case. Everyone is happy. :-)

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, Schmitty, I wouldn't dare try to split up you and Gilligan. I know you have crazy weapon-type things in your possession (you invited me via DC++ to see them one night). Plus, my fish boyfriend, Hercules, wouldn't really approve of me hittin' on other menfolk. And on top of all THAT, y'all just make a ridiculously cute couple. :)