I Use Firefox!

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Well, NaBloPoMo is over

And Thanksgiving took priority. Yay food! :-p Oh well, better luck next year, and hey, maybe even the rest of this year. Who knows? I'll probably blog about books I'm reading, movies I've seen, and of course the normal day-to-day stuff, and special stuff like the fact that I'm realizing I screwed myself... er, didn't read the fine print... on some rebates from CompUSA. Needless to say, I will be returning some merchandise (2/3), getting rebates on another (1/3) and selling it, and recouping good money in the process. Also, I shall be selling stuffs on eBay to recoup some cash, and praying I get those rebates I sent for on those items. So, if you'd like to help a fellow blogger out, get some neat tech toys for cheap, and have a wonderful Christmas all around, check out my eBay seller page... uh... as soon as I set up a seller account/ upgrade my buyer account. Shoot. How does that work? More research before finals... woot.

Thanks for an excellent month of posts!


1 comment:

Schmitty said...

Keep posting anyway. I like it. :-)