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Monday, December 03, 2007

Another Monday

And another day goes whizzing by. Today I got up in time for most of my history class. Darn those '8 o'clock's! Grr... Why do I ever think I can take them? Oh, right, because it was the only class available. Grr...again. Anywho, I made it to class, ten minutes late, so I caught most of it. It stinks that the part where American History gets interesting, I start missing classes. Not cool. I'll have to get the notes for the last two classes on Wednesday.

Also, I've got a presentation on Wednesday, and a program due in a week. Yay CIS and Data Structures.

Tomorrow, I shall go forth and get my name out there, talking with some folks in business, sticking my foot in the door for an (unpaid, six month, 6-18 hrs/wk) internship... I guess I should work up a resume first... maybe I can just ask them what they'd like to see on it. Yay me.

Let's see... seems like the rest of the week is going well, oh, and I'm gonna visit one of my good friends, who just got out of surgery Saturday. Should be fun, I'll stay for an hour or so, then be on my way.

Can I think of anything else? Oh, my girlfriend's in a choir! And they had a concert! I get to see the video when I go out to Cali in less than a month. I can't wait... *sigh* gonna be great... *sigh again with a smile.*

That about wraps up this blurb of a blog, hope you all have a wonderful December, we're supposed to get snow on Thursday! (But you know how accurate the weatherman is... ;-)


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