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Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Exegesis Killed my Motivation

Remember that huge paper I had to turn in a while ago? I might not have mentioned it, but there was a huge paper that we had to turn in for Bible, it was basically our midterm exam. Anyway, since our teacher is the self-acclaimed WSG (World's Glowest Grader), we finally got our papers back today, and I did fairly well. I failed it. Now, before you gasp in shock and horror (which you probably have already done...), let me explain.
So I did well, I could have expanded on a few points here, done some more research there, left out that unrelated quote in that paragraph, and ran that darn spell checker one more time before I turned it in. Of course, this (plus some other things I could have done better on) is all fine and good, leading to my fair grade of 78 (117/150). Well, when I turned it in, I forgot an outline and works cited, a total of 10 points. "Ouch, better put those in before I actually turn it in, and since I also forgot to print two copies, I'll just turn it in later today, no problem." One thing I forgot to look over because I was getting it in under the wire anyway (it was due at the beginning of class and I was five minutes late because I had to print it in the labs...) was that he takes of twenty percent for work turned in late. You read that right, TWENTY PERCENT! Not just twenty points, but a full two letter grades! So my decent (passing) grade of 78, a high C, has turned into a dismal failing grade of 58...
Almost a D, but not quite. Well, that surprised me, and angered me... But after checking the Syllabus and seeing that I was right, and noticing that if I had turned in the original copy (sans outline and bibliography), I would have gotten a 71 percent (107/150). Still a C, but a PASSING GRADE nonetheless. So I am quite steamed, and deflated at the same time. I really need to work on the rest of the papers now, there are four, and two are required, but I neglected to do the first one, due last Monday, the 21st, because I felt confident in my Exegesis paper grade. Now I should do all of the last three, because he'll take the highest two of the grades for those papers.
So if your reading this because you're wondering why I'm not on AIM, this is why. These next two weeks will be the worst weeks of my academic life so far. I need all the focus I can get. I won't even be listening to music, or at least trying not to anyway... but that's another story, maybe next time. Anyways, talk to you later.

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