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Sunday, July 13, 2008

No fence sitting, please

#341. Being Switzerland (Or me and the "Family Guy")
from Stuff Christians Like by Prodigal Jon
I often try my best to please everyone, but I also try to choose the best path. Usually, however, that ends up being a mediocre path, and no one really knows what's best. I do what I enjoy and judge it based on if it's not bad. This is not the right way.
... You see, sometimes I live my life as if it's possible to be Switzerland. I pretend in my head that there are three paths to choose in this world. There is God's way, satan's way and neutral. But there's not, over and over again that is established in the Bible. Jesus even says in Mark 9, "for whoever is not against us is for us."
But I don't live that way. I have rewritten that verse to read, "Anything that is not inherently evil or illegal is OK." That takes God out of the picture. That takes the holy and the pure out of the picture. And it leaves me watching the show, "Family Guy."
Here's the thing though, I trick myself into thinking it's OK because it's not technically evil. I mean porn, witchcraft, the occult, those things are clearly not healthy. Family Guy is just a crass cartoon. Drugs, stealing, lying, those are clearly sins. Family Guy is just a 30 minute television show. I could do this all day.
The tricky thing about this whole idea is that it's so easy to corrupt into being judgmental. For me to say, "my definition of faith is the only right one and if you don't like it you are siding with the devil. You're such a pagan."

I don't have a clear answer for that, but I do have a thought. Maybe it's not about getting one answer and then moving on with your entire life as if you've been given the formula or secret code to God. Maybe it's about doing what Paul said, putting the question of good or evil to everything we face? Maybe it's about constant use.

I will probably make 100 decisions this weekend. Instead of jumping in as fast as I can, I hope I ask myself which side am I choosing. Is this good or evil? Wrong or right?

In other words, don't sit on the fence, cause all you'll get out of it are splinters in your butt.

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