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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Have a little Spurgeon in the morning?

Well now... that's quite engaging.

I've started reading Charles' Spurgeon's Morning and Evening for my daily devotionals... and boy does he have a heavy word to speak today.
"There can hardly be any goodness in a man if he be not angry at sin; he who loves truth must hate every false way." That's for sure. We are to imitate Christ, for He is the perfect man, and he calls us to be perfect, which we can only strive for through His strength, and will never accomplish until the day we step out of this world.

"He [Jesus] hated wickedness, so much so that He bled to wound it to the heart; He died that it might die; He was buried that He might bury it in His tomb; and He rose that He might forever trample it beneath His feet. Christ is in the Gospel, and that Gospel is opposed to wickedness in every shape." Well, that's just great. So God hates wickedness, we know this... what does it mean for me? That because I am wicked, I am also hated by God? No.

"As warm as is His love to sinners, so hot is His hatred of sin; as perfect as is His righteousness, so complete shall be the destruction of every form of wickedness."
Amen! May God's name be praised! I feel a little like a charasmatic preacher... but it is glorious that the Holy God, who has every right to punish us fully, sent His son as a substitute for all of mankind, and for me, that I might not know God's full wrath. Life may still suck sometimes, but it's nowhere near what we deserve, and even in the hard times, God is closer to us than anything else.

-Gilligan(Cleansed in Christ)

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