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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Boring? Bah Psh.

So, back when I said it was boring in Chicago, I lied. Boring is not sitting in a room with three friends chatting about randomness... Boring is sitting in a room alone staring at a homework assignment that is large and due in the next few weeks.

Boring is not watching a movie with three friends and making funny jokes at every cliché and faux-pas and random silly stuff that happens. Boring is sitting in the cafeteria alone in a booth because you got there earlier than all your friends and no one has picked out a regular table yet.

Boring is not gallivanting around Chicago and going long distances the wrong way on a bus before an hour train ride late at night after an all-nighter playing Mario Kart with three friends... No.

Chicago was not boring. Boring only happens when I'm just tired enough to not care, but not so tired that the smallest thing is funny. Also, when I'm too lazy to go find some friends to hang out and do anything with.

Boring is not a necessary requirement for life, nor does it need be a natural state that things fall into.

Live un-boring lives!

Sure, the moments will come when you don't feel like doing anything, and go ahead and rest every once in a while, but as long as you have friends around, that's easy to remedy. Even when you're alone, anything can be made a game or an adventure.

Who knows what we can accomplish... in the boring moments of life?

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