I Use Firefox!

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Lost in drama?

Unlikely, but at least I think we've crested a peak. There was a lot of misunderstanding, very little actual communication, even though we were saying the same thing, there were assumptions being made and of course neither knew of the others... But now that straight answers have been given, there looks to be peace for the time being.

In other news, I just finished my last day of Physics II, and I think I completely bombed the test. Well, not a 0, but less than 50... no, less than 40% complete. :-/ But, I've got a solid B in the class so far, and I did turn in all of the homework (except for the last chapter), so I'm not too worried.

And finally, I'm leaving for Vermont in an hour or so, need to scrape up some books and make sure my library items won't go overdue on me before I get back. Also, some breakfast would be nice. mmm... eggs... Right! So I'll be out of town and most likely out of bandwidth, so don't worry all 5 of you that read this blog, I haven't died. But I may in a month... School starts up again.

Stephe(train of thoug...SQUIRRELS!)

(Note: This was originally part of the previous post, "An end to the drama?", but since more people are finding it useful for dealing with scammers, I've decided to separate out the personal life from the transaction.)

1 comment:

Thursday's Child said...

School's not so bad. I'm sure you'll manage.