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Sunday, October 28, 2007

Life in Stop-Motion

So, I should blog now, right?

Recently, I went to Texas to see my beautiful girlkittehfriend, who has been invisible for quite some time now. I heard her lovely lady voice lilting through the landlines (Well, cell phones and ethernet and WiFi... :-P), but I got to see her and hold her and kiss her and be with her a week ago for about 3 days. It was nice, very nice.

Edit: Oh, and BIG BIG news! SHE LOVES ME!!! Can't believe that slipped my mind last night... What can you expect at 12:30 in the morning? I just want to be with her... :-) But yeah, she really LOVES me... Amazing, no? *happy sigh* I'm glad we've liked each other for a while... I want to be her best friend AND her lover. What? you didn't know? I love her too. :-D We match!

In the course of those three days, I gave her a shiny ring, signifying my commitment to pursue her and the relationship to (and through) engagement and, eventually, marriage. This is a big step, and we're not quite sure how exactly we got there, but here we are, and this looks good. We really fit with each other very very well. It's amazing, and I give God the credit for that match. I pray he holds us together throughout our whole relationship.

Speaking of God, I really do need to keep talking to him more often. I'm reaching the end of my goal to read the entire Bible front to back, and after that I'm gonna pick up a devotional with assorted scriptures and possibly an exhortation for each day, maybe even read Spurgeon's "Morning and Evening". There's a copy in the bathroom.

Oh, other books I "need" to read... "Guiding the relationship" books, "Pursuing marriage" books... "Raising kids" books... though I hope that knowledge isn't employed for a good long while... eessh...

On another note, the girlfriend is getting a laptop, and guess what the first thing she's doing with it is? Installing Ubuntu! Huzzah! She's awesome. She's got a Mac Mini, and is getting an awesome laptop for cheap (at my recommendation) and sticking Linux on it! :-) I is a happy nerd boyfriend.

And speaking of nerdness... well, moreso laziness... I've got a program due tomorrow at 5pm that I'm not finished, but all that I have finished works! (Yay modular testing!) So I have to write the UI tomorrow, and a web page for Computer Information Systems. Shouldn't be too hard, right?

Let's see. Anything else exciting happen recently? Hmm... Well if I think of any (or I get poked with more sticks) I'll try and write them down for you.

That's all folks!


Schmitty said...

And you forgot to mention, she loves you. |-*

Anonymous said...

Aww, too cute! I'm glad to hear things seem to be going so well in Gilliganville, and especially in BoyGirlKittehville. :)

Also, consider this an official poke with a stick. You should blog more often.


Schmitty said...

Lol... I didn't mean you had to edit.. I was just using the opportunity to tell you so. :-* Silly. But I'm glad it makes you happy. :-)

Gilligan said...

:-) I know. I'm just really really glad you do. I wanted to make sure it was front page news. :-D