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Saturday, February 07, 2009

Freeverse prayer

This is personal.

She's not mine, Lord. She is Yours.
She was never mine, and how I've been the fool.
Thinking I could own things, thinking I knew.
Grasping on to hope apart from you.
I tried to hold on to that from which I wanted love,
Planning things out without thinking from above.
Thinking I deserved her, thinking she deserved me.
What could I do? What could I say?
Humans are fragile, humans are frail.
We are precious, and only you can tell
What we really need, who we really are.
Without you behind me I am empty, lost beyond words.
Only with you can I be the man I should be.
The man I need to be. Not just for her, but for me.
Not just for me, but for You. Because you love me.
Help me love you, Lord, as only you can.
Grow me from this misery,
Push me through this pain.
Kill this jealousy, grow your kindness.
Make me a better person through it all.
I pray not only for myself, but for her as well.
I thank you for the kind heart you have given her.
I pray that I may not have wounded it more than You can heal.
I know that You can.
Take me at my word, for I am worth not much more.
Speak your words of Life, Hope, Courage and Strength.
Humility, Power, Meekness and Wisdom.
I need You. I need Your love.
I need Your comfort. I need Your guidance.
More than anything else, I need You.

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