I Use Firefox!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Well, it's that time of year again... Time for all of the US to spend as much as they can, saving a bunch that they would have spent otherwise, and will still spend anyways. :-p I however, have spent too much this fall, and thus didn't participate in this year's camp-out in front of Best Buy, Target, and Radio Shack. But oh well. I've got a 16 GB flash drive waiting for me when I get back from break.

Right now I'm sitting on the couch in roughly the same position I've been in since 11 this morning. :-) I've been watching Avatar: The Last Airbender with Deb, Dano's older sister, down in Austin for the whole break. I'm also torrenting the whole series so I won't have to be stuck in the sofa for the rest of the weekend. :-p I've seen some of the episodes so I can skip those, and also, my computer has PAUSE. :-) Very important.

In other news, I'm still plodding along in my life and studies... and relationships. :-/ Unfortunately, hanging around Laura, she gets jealous of EVERY new female I come in contact with. I know it's just jealousy... and I'm happy for her being with Andrew, she's trying to be good, even though she fails sometimes too. I'm trying to help her with that but nobody's perfect.

Of course, she may have a reason to be jealous, because there are girls that I think would be good candidates for pursuit, (though putting it that way makes it sound like a game or a business venture, it's not that at all.) I'm just not dating anyone and don't plan to for a while (The semester's end is near, but the future is unclear as usual.) *sigh* God help me, please.

On a final note, seeing the SAME 15 commercials OVER and OVER and OVER all day long... is really freaking annoying. However, I do get multiple chances to pick out every single detail. My sarcasm muscles are getting an excellent workout.

That's all for now I suppose, I can't wait for Christmas break, but I need to prepare for the summer and other stuff in the future. Yay planning. :-/


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