I Use Firefox!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

So, about that weekly thing

Well, it's been nearly 3 weeks since my last post, and lookie there, I'm posting again. I believe it's time to give an update on my Resolutions so far this month, and I'll repeat the process at the end of each month hence.

Complete 7 certificates
Progress is good on this front. I took and passed my A+ exams, and I'm almost halfway through the Network+ study material. For a bit I wasn't able to access some of the labs and exams, but an update to my client fixed that. I'm also going through the Linux+ study material in my "free time", and it turns out I don't know as much as I thought I did... the command line is nearly unnecessary these days in a desktop environment.

Read more of the Bible
I've been reading sporadically more of Proverbs, which is more than I have been in the past. I've missed a few days, but what I've read has been really good and instructional.

Set up a wireless N linked router
Well, we've given up on the N part of the network (alas) since we've got two WRT54GL's linked and broadcasting. Funny thing is though, with the second router hooked up, the signal from the first router is stronger, and when it's not, it's so weak you can hardly stay connected for 15 minutes. I find that odd.

Get a job with a $40k+ salary
Definitely haven't gotten this one near done at all. I'm currently working at Cold Stone Creamery on Friday's, which is not bad at all, but other than that I'm focused on certifications as my full time job.

Set up a media/backup server (Test FreeNAS, CoreNAS, OpenMediaVault, OpenFiler)
This simply needs hardware... and that's in Texas. I'm currently in MD, and will most likely stay here for a while. I'm here until March for sure, and then I'll be heading down to Texas after taking my sister back to school in LouisianaMississippi. (So, if you're at LeTourneau, the next time you'll see me is March 22nd)

Set up a media client (MythTV, XBMC, Boxee, LinuxMCE, Enna/GeeXBoX, etc)
This one also requires hardware... but I'm thinking I may not have to roll my own for the client. I've been looking at a few things, and the Popbox looks pretty darn slick. It plays just about every single format you could want (and more than I have in my collection), and give me access to streaming services like Netflix and Revision3's stuff and Crunchyroll (look it up if you're into anime.) The kicker: it'll be priced at only $129 when it comes out. Pretty darn amazing if you think about it. The Boxee Box is also intriguing, but it's not stackable and wouldn't fit in our media center unless we stuffed it behind the VCR and DVD players. I do so love the remote though. Hopefully someone will come up with a hack to use it with a regular computer.

Start re-learning Sign Language
No progress thus far, but it's only January.

Rent or own my own place
Comes after the job marker.

Get on an insulin pump
My next appointment with my endocrinologist is Feb 3, and I've gotten my sugars down and regulated pretty darn well, so we'll see what she thinks. If she gives us the go-ahead, we'll need to schedule another meeting with an insulin pump educator, because it's a whole different system than the pens I've been using

Write a blog entry a week
Fail. :-p

Actually put up a decent website for myself
I've got my URLs (still) but no progress as of yet.

Move my blog to that site/URL

Read a book a month
Haven't even picked one up this month, guess I'll have to start next month. Any suggestions?

1 comment:

Team Christmas said...

ISBN: 978-1-4351-0634-5
Definitely worth reading, at least the second half of it.