A few bullet points to get people up to speed:
- I've started school, gotten through the first week (all 5 classes. Yay MW(F) schedule!)
- I've gone through another contemplative period with my girlfriend, we decided to curb the phone and IM talking and restrict ourselves to letters and email (well, mostly email) for two weeks, to get in the groove for school. One thing I'm sure of is I'm really glad we're talking on the phone again. :-) The groove is still grooving.
- I'm looking forward to October immensely! Two exciting things happen in October:
- I get to see my girlfriend (and other friends) at LeTourneau!
- Ubuntu 7.10 comes out!
- Did I mention I get to see Laura in October?!?! :-D
- Also, things with work have been straightened out to a degree... after a bit of back and forth and thinking things had been set, my schedule is now four hours on Thursday, eight hours on Friday, and ten hours on Saturday.
School is looking good so far. I've got a lot of work ahead of me this semester, gotta stay focused. I have today and tomorrow to get ahead in reading and stuff, which I've already done for History and Info Systems, but I'll need to get cracking on Accounting and Data Structures... those will be my harder courses this semester. Yuk. Luckily, the Data Structures prof seems good. Most of the programs we'll be writing won't need much more than a simple code editor, which I am very glad for. Accounting will be... accounting. Lots of numbers and balance sheets and cash flow charts and argh... I need to keep track of my own money!
Laura and I are doing quite well considering we've been apart for nearly 4 months... wow. I get to see her in 48 days! That's one month, two weeks, and four days! :-) Just need to buy that ticket, as soon as I let her dad know. :-/ Gotta call him tonight.
Where was I? Oh right.
With all this great academic progression stuff going on, I'll still want to make time for stuff like installing Ubuntu on my lappy, and reinstalling Windows... Oh the horrors, I know. Eventually the plan is to be running only Linux, with any windows only programs I need running in Wine, and if I really need it, Windows in a Virtual Machine. That'll be awesome. First though, must come the great cleaning of disk space. my C: drive has become quite congested, since I allocated 20 gigs for Windows, and all my documents and data on another partition. Step one: catalog all the programs I've installed and want to keep. Step two: Archive all important data and media. Step three: repartition the drives. Step four: uninstall and reinstall Windows, then install Ubuntu or Kubuntu (Linux) I'll have to see if the latest Ubuntu live CD will give me wireless, and I might just install both and see which one I like better. Problem is, they're both good. I can't wait for KDE 4 though... that'll be a while. Eek! I've regressed to my geeky ways! Haha! Revel in my geekiness!
Anyways, things are going well so far, and as long as I stay productive, I'll be alright. And now that I'm doing alright, I'm praying to God that He'll guide me through this year and give me the strength that I need. I have a tendency to try to do things on my own, and that generally doesn't end up so well. Now, I'm going off to do some homework. Yay productivity.
Gilligan - Signing off.
Woohoo for seeing Laura in October!
I had forgotten to ask you when you were going down there.
Soooo yay too for knowing what you're going to do with your life! ;)
We need to chill out again, Saturday was much fun!
Love yaz.
I think we're doing quite well even not considering we've been apart for 4 months. :-p Just in general. Can't wait though! (But will, of course)
I revel in your geekiness too.
Have a good day at work, darling. l-*
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